Who is liziqi on YouTube| know about the famous Youtuber in china | mysterious oriental lifestyle foody

liziqi is an oriental lifestyle foody. she makes with the stuff that was grown in her surrounding.she was a soothing behaviour girl, she makes spectacular videos in her youtube. she makes the cool thing like an oven, sofa, and candies. She lives a beautiful life that most of the people don't afford today.

hello, there today I am going to continue the lifestyle of liziqi.if you want to know more about her then please check our older article on her (LIZIQI LIFESTYLE)The Chinese internet celebrity is famous for her videos in which she performs the work of a farmer with the grace of a fairy. Her fans on social media platforms, both in China and internationally, including YouTube and Weibo, number more than 58 million.

๐Ÿ’—Chinese food vlogger takes the culinary and online world by storm...
Li’s fans, both Chinese and non-Chinese alike, say they’re hooked on her bucolic portrayal of the Chinese countryside. But her unabashedly romantic depiction of country life has its critics. How does she keep her elaborate, traditional dresses spotless during all that farm work
At first glance, Li Ziqi lives in a state of idyllic repose. Each day, she sets out from her beautiful, spacious country house to roam the picturesque, dewy landscape of China’s southwestern Sichuan province. She tills her fields, tends to her bevvy of adorable sheep and dogs, and picks fresh fruits and vegetables for her grandmother from her seemingly bottomless cornucopia of a yard. 
Li has plenty of insight into both rural life and its place in the urban imagination. She grew up in the countryside outside Mianyang, a city in north-central Sichuan, before moving away and spending the better part of a decade working and building a music career. According to her account, she returned home in 2012 to take care of her grandmother.
While the videos have a cinematic quality to them, it’s her deep knowledge of food, nature, and Chinese culture that impresses viewers. She appears to make everything from scratch, going as far as hatching baby ducklings and raising them just to make a sauce from egg yolk.

๐Ÿ˜Snow White Is Real ๐Ÿ’–

we observed her gather nuts and fruits in a dewy field, getting home just before sunset to cook them into candies for the “Spring Festival.” She does all of this, for the record, without getting a hair from her Disney Princess-Esque head out of place. Naturally, we decided we’re in love. And we’re not alone. In China, Ziqi is queen: a reclusive influencer (words we never thought we’d pair) whose cinematic webisodes on simple and ancient country living have garnered her 15.3 million Weibo (the Chinese version of YouTube) followers. The degree to which her content is soothing also pretty much surpasses sane description. Ziqi’s not just a food and lifestyle vlogger. She’s a 21 century Snow White, and this is her kingdom

The Chinese Youtuber liziqi

She is seen with her grandmother and rarely talks in any of her videos. It is amazing to see her accomplish each laborious task with a lot of grace and ease. The soothing sound of the waterfall, birds chirping, stocking grains or even her style of chopping vegetables are enough for you to fall in love with her videos. Peaked mountains, the drizzling of snow, steam wafting from the hot wooden utensils, the rustling of the leaves, these are some of the eye-pleasing sights that she shows through her videos. She claims that she is the director of all her videos and she decides the angles of each scene. Whatever it is, you will enjoy each video of her thoroughly.


  • most of us want to follow liziqi lifestyle but we don't afford that, the main reason is we don't do hard work for that purpose and ignore the reality and follow the fake lifestyle.

  • please try to find some way to overcome an ordinary life and find the aim, goal, and target of our birth.

  •  “The purpose of our lives is to be happy.” — Dalai Lama

  • “Get busy living or get busy dying.” — Stephen King

  •  “You only live once, but if you do it right, once is enough.” — Mae West

if you want to follow her in social media the check link below.